Turning To Triumph | Pastor Brian Somerville | Open Arms Church

The mere mention of the name Jesus elicits a wide array of reactions from people across the globe. But why does this name hold such profound significance? Join us as we delve into the timeless truths of John 20:1-16, where the essence of Jesus Christ, the Lord of both the natural and supernatural realms, shines brightly. From turning tragedies into triumphs to reigning as King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus stands as the epitome of hope and redemption for all. Together, let’s uncover the profound mysteries and transformative power encapsulated within His name. Take this opportunity to deepen your understanding and encounter the life-changing truths found in the Scriptures. Join us as we explore the inexhaustible richness of Jesus Christ! #openarms #churchonline #2023 #sermon #onlinechurch Stay Connected: Visit our website – https://openarms.ie/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/openarms.ie/ Instagram – https://instagram.com/openarms_church Donate/Give – https://openarms.ie/giving

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